The Slocan City Suites cost approximately $2,800,000 to build. With generous contributions from the below funders and supporters we now hold a manageable $641,145 mortgage.
Deep thanks goes to:
BC Housing
the Columbia Basin Trust
the Village of Slocan who contributed thousands of dollars of funds, discounts and the land to build on
the RDCK and Area H director Walter Popoff
the Slocan Legion
the Heritage Credit Union and Staff
the Slocan Valley Economic Development Commission
The Slocan Valley Community Legacy Society
The Slocan Valley Economic Development Commission
Pro-bono services of professional engineers, NDB construction, Leon Pigott legal, and Eric Clough who designed the project and was the chief consultant all the way through.
the SVSHS Board of Directors
and the Slocan Valley Community who raised over $43,000 on our Hike and Bike for Housing
We would not have been able to make this project happen without each and every one of these contributions.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.